okChat Setup Instructions| index | main |

OkChat v2.4.x Installation

Applet Instructions
  1. Text up the okchat.htm file that is located with the client files. This file contains information needed to have OkChat work on your server.
    <title>okChat room</title>
    <APPLET codebase="http://home.okchat.com/okchat/en/client/" code=Client.class  height=400 width=600 
    <param name="silencecolor" VALUE="DA6771|7167DA">
    <param name="userinfolabel" VALUE="Info:">
    <param name="location" VALUE="en">
    <param name="chatwincolor" VALUE="0576B1|FFFF00">
    <param name="pmignorecolor" VALUE="B4B4FF|F85E5E">
    <param name="bannersize" VALUE="476,26"> <param name="infopanelcolor" VALUE="0A82C4|FFFF00"> <param name="scrolltext" VALUE="Free Chat :)) 'okChat2.4.6(free) 'Client/Server !|http://www.okchat.com#0;Wellcome to our chat room|#1"> <param name="privatmesswincolor" VALUE="42509B|FFFF00"> <param name="addroom" VALUE="yes"> <param name="nicknamelabel" VALUE="Nick:"> <param name="refresh" VALUE="4"> <param name="port" VALUE="5347"> <param name="pass" VALUE=""> <param name="embed" VALUE="true"> <param name="banner3"VALUE="banner3.gif|http://www.okchat.com"> <param name="room" VALUE="Cafe"> <param name="banner2"VALUE="banner2.gif|http://www.okchat.com"> <param name="nickcolor" VALUE="3"> <param name="banner1"VALUE="banner1.gif|http://www.okchat.com"> <param name="autoconn" VALUE="off"> <param name="messages" VALUE="mes"> <param name="nick" VALUE=""> <param name="scrollcolor" VALUE="0576B1|FFFF00"> <param name="logoncolor" VALUE="FFFFE2|000000"> <param name="FontSize" value="14"> <param name="FontName" value="Dialog"> Sorry! You need a Java Enabled browser to use this program </APPLET> </body> </html>

  2. It is very important that the PORT parameter is set to the same number that is in your confserv.txt file in the server directory.

  3. After you modify the PORT parameter, save this file and download it to the client directory.