How to Install and configure okChat 2.4.x
- Downloading
Download the last archive and extract it to some temporary folder.
The only difference between Linux and Windows distributions is the compression format used.
There is also a start/stop utility named '' in the Linux distribution and 'start.cmd' in the Windows.
Please see after you decompress the archive, there must be some files with Upper Letters such 'Client.class'
Some decompress utility make all in Lower letters.
- Installing
Note: You must have Telnet or SSH connection to your web server (homepage) to be able to start your own Chat Server.
The okChat is 100% pure JAVATM (see .
To start the chat server you need JDK1.X installed on your webserver.
Copy the contents of the /server folder to a folder where you want your chat server to stay, it must not be some
web server document folder.
For example: /home/user/okserver
You must have this files in your folder:
ChatServer.class - required
a.class - required
b.class - required
c.class - required
confroom.txt - required
confserv.txt - required
confwelcome.txt - required
licence.dat - required
server.alive - it will be created after you start the chat server
server.log - it will be created after you start the chat server
serverlog.log - it will be created after you start the chat server - start script for UNIX/Linux
Change file and folder permissions if needed.
$ chmod a+x
Copy the contents of the /client folder to a folder inside your web server's document tree.
For example: /home/user/public_html/okchat/
You must have the following folder tree: