OkChat v2.4.x Installation Applet Instructions Text up the okchat.htm file that is located with the client files. This file contains information needed to have OkChat work on your server.
<title>okChat room</title>
<APPLET codebase="http://home.okchat.com/okchat/en/client/" code=Client.class height=400 width=600
<param name="silencecolor" VALUE="DA6771|7167DA">
<param name="userinfolabel" VALUE="Info:">
<param name="location" VALUE="en">
<param name="chatwincolor" VALUE="0576B1|FFFF00">
<param name="pmignorecolor" VALUE="B4B4FF|F85E5E"> <param name="bannersize" VALUE="476,26">
<param name="infopanelcolor" VALUE="0A82C4|FFFF00">
<param name="scrolltext" VALUE="Free Chat :)) 'okChat2.4.6(free)
'Client/Server !|http://www.okchat.com#0;Wellcome to our chat room|#1">
<param name="privatmesswincolor" VALUE="42509B|FFFF00">
<param name="addroom" VALUE="yes">
<param name="nicknamelabel" VALUE="Nick:">
<param name="refresh" VALUE="4">
<param name="port" VALUE="5347">
<param name="pass" VALUE="">
<param name="embed" VALUE="true">
<param name="banner3"VALUE="banner3.gif|http://www.okchat.com">
<param name="room" VALUE="Cafe">
<param name="banner2"VALUE="banner2.gif|http://www.okchat.com">
<param name="nickcolor" VALUE="3">
<param name="banner1"VALUE="banner1.gif|http://www.okchat.com">
<param name="autoconn" VALUE="off">
<param name="messages" VALUE="mes">
<param name="nick" VALUE="">
<param name="scrollcolor" VALUE="0576B1|FFFF00">
<param name="logoncolor" VALUE="FFFFE2|000000">
<param name="FontSize" value="14">
<param name="FontName" value="Dialog">
Sorry! You need a Java Enabled browser to use this program
- It is very important that the PORT parameter is set to the same number that is in your confserv.txt file in the server directory.
- After you modify the PORT parameter, save this file and download it to the client directory.