How to setup the okChat server on UNIX/Linux in the crontab
First download and install the okChat server in some folder
Create a new user okchat <shell> useradd okchat -d /public/chat/server <shell>cd /public/chat <shell>chown -R okchat server <shell>chgrp -R okchat server <shell>passwd okchat Set some password for okchat user
Create some shell script to start, stop and restart the server or use our default script and copy it to /public/chat/server Note: Change the valiables first please. <shell>chmod a+x /public/chat/okchat
Set the editor for your Console <shell>export EDITOR=vi
Change the user to okchat <shell>su - okchat
Edit the crontab <shell>vi /etc/cron.allow and allow okchat to add cron jobs <shell>crontab -e and put this or read first the man pages for crontab and cron - this will check every 5 min. if the server is started and if not will restart it: 1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56 * * * * /public/chat/server/ status CLEAN
If you want put it in your init.d (only for specialists)
Start the server <shell>su - okchat <shell>sh star CLEAR &